“Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.” -Bill Bernbach
Category Archives: idea
Tim Ferris
Zawsze stykając się z jakąś informacją, warto zadać sobie pytanie: Czy na pewno wykorzystam do czegoś tę informację? Jeśli odpowiedź brzmi „NIE”, to znaczy, że ta informacja jest w zasadzie bezużyteczna. Tim Ferris Inspirowane wpisem Justyny z Cyfrowych Nomadów
Let’s sell lifestyle not a product
Hi, have you seen Johnnie Walker ads? No – you have to do it. In ‘The Gentleman’s Wager‘ ads brand showed us how to sell lifestyle not necessary product. So far they created two productions with Jude Law. Absolutely amazing first part with yacht as an object of desire (more than 11mln views): And still […]
CPxM – a new approach to the analysis of image ads
My everyday AdWords campaigns are divided into 2 groups according to their goals (what is important that my company doesn’t provide e-commerce sale, everything is sold in ‘normal’ offline shops): clicks optimised ads – I want to redirect to my webpage the maximum volume of traffic as possible. Of course I have to pay attention to traffic quality, […]