Google AdWords app for iOS

Great news for all AdWords marketers. Yesterday Google launched AdWords iOS app for iPhones and iPads. Many times I asked AdWords team how to join beta testers team to have possibility to check how iOS app works. Everytime I failed… However yesterday Jarett from AdWords Twitter team sent me amazing tweet: @mikowhy Hopefully your world is […]

Custom columns with math functions in Google AdWords

Yesterday I tried to remember the names of mathematical operations, and couple minutes later, I found info that there is possibility to use math in custom columns in Google AdWords. It can  be quite useful solution for fast reporting. What do you think about it? Have you already created your custom math columns? Math operations in […]

Getguesstimate – Spreadsheet for Things That Aren’t Certain

Today I found getguesstimate – absolutely amazing spreadcheet which will helps you to have broader understanding of data. Guesstimate, a spreadsheet that’s as easy to use as existing spreadsheets, but works for uncertain values. For any cell you can enter confidence intervals (lower and upper bounds) that can represent full probability distributions. Spreadsheet for Things […]