Probably some of you, have already heard about Google Tag Manager (GTM). But let’s start from very basis.
What is GTM stand for?
Google Tag Manager is free and easy, leaving more time and money to spend on your marketing campaigns. You manage your tags and configure your mobile applications yourself, with an easy-to-use web interface, rather than forcing you or your IT department to write or rewrite code.
Source: Google
Ok, so we have nice and polite definition from Google but what can we use GTM for? That’s a perfect solution for big companies where any sourcecode change on webpage takes ages, where there is no fast and easy possibility to test some new ideas in measuring anything, where adding event codes is the world’s most difficult process.
Sounds familiar? So GTM is a perfect solution for you. Moreover, you can use GTM with your apps sourcecodes.
All you have to do is:
- create an account
- generate sourcecode for your webpage
- paste generated code on your webpage
- add and manage tags directly from admin panel without your IT department
Do we need GTM? Why we need GTM?
Speed counts in today’s global marketplace. Google Tag Manager gives you the power to create and update tags for your website and mobile apps, any time you want, at the speed of your business.
Source: Google
There are 2 versions of GTM (differences mainly in UI):
- V1 – with old layout –
- V2 – with new layout – more user friendly which after 1st of June will be default – – more info about new release of GTM – we will be talking about newer version
Account vs. Container
That’s quite similar division as we have in Google Analytics – account is dedicated to set of containers.
Let’s say you work in company XXX and you have 2 webpages YYY and ZZZ. In that case you probably should create account XXX with 2 separate containers YYY and ZZZ. It will help you to manage accounts, permissions etc.
How to generate your GTM code?
- log in
- create new account
New account - create container for webpage (or mobile app)
New container - click “Create“, accept “Google Tag Manager Terms of Service Agreement”
- and you have your GTM code generated, all you have to do is to place it immediately after the opening <body> tag (more info)
- In fact, GTM is ready. We have to remember that we didn’t add any tags so nothing is measured yet however we have access to admin panel and we are ready to start our adventure with GTM

Next time I’ll tell you how to add some basic tags (like Google Analytics tag) and how to check is there everything working.